Knotty Witch

Cooking, Crafting, Dreaming…it's what I do

Progress was made February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day Dinner

I made the “phone call” it went well.

I went to the library – found what we’re going to have for Valentine’s Day Dinner. The recipe I am using is the Pasta Timballo from “The Big Night In” written by Domenica Marchetti, I am buying that book. It’s amazing.  I also found a new bread recipe to try from a Taste of Home magazine, two more cookbooks that I really want, “The Best Freezer Cookbook” by Jan Main, and “Eat Cheap, but Eat Well” by Charles Mattocks.

I also went to the Dr. That also went well. I’m just going to have to take it easy with exercising for a while. It’s too quick to hurt my back, and too long to get better. That’s just how it is. He said once the muscle spasms stop, I should feel fine. Good to know 😉