Knotty Witch

Cooking, Crafting, Dreaming…it's what I do

Serious rant, peppered with sarcasam February 7, 2010

Filed under: Random Ramblings — knottywitch @ 2:59 pm
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My youngest son moved back home on a full-time basis just yesterday. It’s something he’s been talking about since we bought this house. At first, we lived close enough where he could stop by on his way to the bus each morning before school, and could walk to our house if he needed help with homework, or was just feeling bored & lonely. We lived close enough so that I could see his house from my porch. We did initially try to buy that house before moving here – but there were more liens than we wanted to contend with, and in the end the water main in the house burst – which we took as a sign that we might be taking on a bit more than we were ready for. So, we moved here.

However, this house is within walking distance to and from his school. Plus it’s only 4 blocks away from my sister and nephews. On his weekends here, he’d walk home with them and all the kids would get to spend time together . Something that’s always been important to my sister and I, to have our kids growing up together.

We’ve been here almost 2 years, and he’s been wanting to move from his home with his Father and Aunt for at least that long. He moved there wanting to form a relationship, and spend time with his Father who always worked on the road. The agreement was his Father would have to find local work if he wanted our son to live with them. He did. Then he proceeded to not have any time for him any way. I foresaw as much, as that was an issue when we were together. I won’t bad mouth him here – he’s just one of those people who gets busy with everything and everyone and always thinks there’s more time later…

He’s been telling his Aunt (who is also his God-Mother) he wants to move home. She tells him he has to talk to his Father. His Dad isn’t around to be talked to, puts off talking, and life goes on. He reiterates his want to move to his Aunt again, she tells him if he moves she’ll probably kick his Dad out of her house. He insists, explains he’s struggling with school because no one is home to help him when he needs it. He’s gaining more weight because he’s bored and not allowed to take part in sports, or even just hang out with his friends. Here, he goes to the Marine office to work out with his cousin and DD’s BF, plus they run together as well – as in hit the pavement running, not run the streets running. Of course, that’s not as often as he’d like while he’s living over there.

Still and all, with all the stuff he’s told me about, despite all that I may not agree with, nor approve of myself – it was his choice to move there. When he felt that pull, he came to me and talked to me. Our home has always been open to him here – but I was adamant that he make clear his choice to move home. I wasn’t going to call after each bout of hurt feelings, disagreements,or bunched up B.V.Ds demanding he be returned home to me. It was his decision to move out, it had to be his to come home.

Any way, his Dad dropped him off. We spoke briefly. I understand his hurt – even though not much is changing. We still all live in the same city, really our son is no less accessible to him now than when he lived there. I did tell his Dad that if his Aunt still wanted him to attend Church with her, that was fine by me. He is a Youth Group Leader there, and as her role as his God-Mother, I know that’s something she has been dedicated to sharing with him. I came back into the house, and reiterated the conversation to my son to which his response was.  “Yeah, I don’t see that happening any time soon. She said she doesn’t understand why I want to live here with a bunch of losers, and if I leave she’s through dealing with me and that I’m an ungrateful bastard.” Oh. Don’t I feel silly.

All that added to the side commentary during the phone call his Dad made to me informing me our son was packing to move back here I’m in a state of shock. I shouldn’t be, really. But, there it is.

I woke up at 5am this morning, sort of giggling to myself about the whole thing. Ironic really, she and I are sort of guilty of the same thing. Determined to think something dispite evidence to the contrary, or having any evidence at all. Here I sit, determined to think the best of her and them. Trying to be understanding to the situation from their point of view. And there she sits, determined to think so much of herself and so little of us here just because.

I’m here to tell you though, if her actions are the sign of being “better than” – I’ll happily wallow here in loserville with my family. Blissfully married, enjoying my family and friends, and exploring the passions of our lives together, while we work towards making our little house a haven for us all.

                                   Now I have to go bake cookies to welcome my boy back to the “Darkside” good and proper.


UFO’s January 6, 2010

Filed under: Crochet — knottywitch @ 11:11 pm
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Well, the new year has hardly made its entrance and already, I’m surrounded by UFO’s. Now, in the crafting sense – a UFO is an unfinished object, sad to say my master bedroom afghan is falling into that group since I wasn’t able to buy the yarn to complete it this week, it’s getting there though, and it’s killing me not being able to work on it now – but – this too shall pass.

Of course, even in the crafting world – sometimes a UFO is in fact – a UFO. Here’s one Girlie made. I’ve taught her to crochet, and she’s really enjoying it. I’m not sure she’ll ever be into reading a pattern, but I’ll tell you this – she’s got Free Form Stitching down  in a way I rather envy.

I’m stitching this one to a pillow, so she will always have her first self-started and completed project on display.

And that cream and chocolate afghan I was working on for the living room, well – I frogged it. I gave my sister the next skein for it to work on a project of her own, so instead of having two afghans on stand by I decided to make a little something that I’ve been needing for myself  – gasps in shock and awe…I know, I know.

Hubby and I were walking to the store earlier this week and he commented how I really should be wearing a hat – my witty response was “I don’t own a hat.” Then I felt like a real arse because I’ve made hats and scarves for everyone else so…Duh! The pattern is from the February 2010 issue of Crochet World, and is “Romantic Lace Hat & Scarf” I love it.

Aside from all the stitch work – this past week the kids were on winter recess as well. My youngest son and I had some “Mommy-Boy” time on the Wii Fit – he really cracks me up. Here he is getting into his “Ninja” frame of mind to try to beat his sisters score on the Kung Fu game –


He’s a trip. His new “Saying” is “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but video games hurt my self-esteem.”

Yeah, we have fun.

In his defense – his older brother and sister rolled him off the roof once when he was smaller. Sure, it was a (very) low woodshed roof, and they did wrap him up in  bubble wrap (the kind with the huge bubbles, hubby worked where they manufactured it and would bring home end rolls of it)…but still, sometimes I wonder 😉


Graduation December 6, 2009

Filed under: Random Ramblings — knottywitch @ 3:05 am
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We’re all heading home tomorrow – it’s been a beautiful trip, aside from the weather. Cold, cloudy, and rain every where we turn. We’re going home to snow though. I have a few pictures from graduation to share – however Private First Class D.M.C chooses to have further pictures of him in his uniform after we get home, and he is around more family. It was SO cold graduation day – I couldn’t believe it! We’re having another Thanksgiving Dinner when we get home tomorrow – so it’s going to be a very busy homecoming for him. I can’t wait!


Family Day @ Parris Island December 4, 2009

Filed under: Random Ramblings — knottywitch @ 12:52 am
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Ok, we’re here – and it’s been wonderful thus far. We were up bright and early – minus the bright, since the moon was still out, and the sun had yet to make its appearance…

We lined up to watch the motivational run. By the time I spotted him and pointed him out to my sister – all she saw was his back. I’m not sure she even believed it was him. He had lost 50 lbs. We walked to the next area they were to pass and kept an eye out on the group I had seen him in. She saw him, he saw her and his face just beamed. That in itself was worth the trip.

After he was released for his liberty for the day, we had lunch, spent some time wandering around seeing where he’s spent his time for the past 13 weeks. He stayed here

It was the new barracks when our Father was in the Marines – now it’s the last to be replaced with the new new barracks. It’s really kind of cool he had a similar experience (at least for sleeping quarters) as his Poppa 🙂

His liberty was up by 3pm. Tomorrow starts his month home ;10 days liberty, then he’s working through a local office for a couple of weeks before leaving again for more training.

It was a wonderful day.


Breakfast in Albany,Lunch in Daytona, Dinner in Beauford… December 2, 2009

Filed under: Random Ramblings — knottywitch @ 1:15 pm
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Well, it was a long day to say the least. Sis and I grabbed a quick breakfast at the airport nothing fancy – can you guess where by the symbol  behind her in the photo?

Like I said, something quick. And lasting. That breakfast sandwich carried us through the flight to Orlando, then the ride to Daytona, Fla. where we met up with our Aunt and Uncle

Who are evidently enjoying retirement in Florida. We all had lunch together by the water

Meeting up with them was a surprise, and we’re hoping to meet up with them on our way back to Orlando after the graduation.

This is the first picture ever of this group. Ever. Hopefully, it is just the first. In fact, our aunt is trying to convince our Father to leave us in Daytona after Graduation on Friday so “us girls” can hang out on Saturday, and Dad can have some Marine to Marine time with his grandson. So far, he’s not going for it – which I understand, we’ve yet to spend a minute with his wife who just had surgery on her knees and is not yet well enough to be traveling just yet – so it would be nice to spend a day with her as well.


Goin’ to get me a Marine! November 28, 2009

Filed under: Random Ramblings — knottywitch @ 12:51 am
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Well, when he left 3 months ago – he was “just” my older nephew. When Sis and I embark on our 24+ bus ride to Paris Island this Tuesday, he’ll be on his way to being a Private First Class Marine – a rank he earned before he went to boot camp. He’ll be home for a Month – most importantly- he will be home for his 18th birthday, and the rest of this holiday season – even New Years – before he heads off to Camp Lejeune for more training.

He’s the one in the middle. We’re so proud of him, and have missed him so much. I am SO psyched about the trip with my sister. She’s a little stressed (anxiety issues) – fortunately she works retail, so a 5 day relief from that and all it entails will be as great a motivator as bringing her baby home 🙂


‘Tis the season, I guess November 22, 2009

Filed under: Random Ramblings — knottywitch @ 4:31 am
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Well, we’re off to our Aunts tomorrow for an early Thanksgiving Dinner. We haven’t seen, or spoken to any one on “that side” of the family (aside from our own Father), since our Grandfather passed away…2+ years ago . But, my Aunt called, we actually spoke for quite a while…She even made reference to, and apologized for the “big event” that caused the great divide. Truth be told, I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about. There have been so many “events” through the years, we’ve sort of learned to take it as par for the course. Normally, the only time we respond to the summons to gather ’round the table for a family affair is if our Father is up from Florida. That hasn’t happened, well in a little over 2 years, when our Grandfather passed away… 

                                                          I am nervous. My only comfort is knowing she is too.

                                                                             Sadistic, I know. It is what it is.

  If nothing else, I believe she is sincere about wanting to be a whole as a family. Of course, that’s not something to be decided just between the two of us. Sure, she can host dinners, and I can strong arm , ahem – use my powers of persuasion, to get my siblings to attend (if said hosted dinners continue to be few and far between, for sure)…But, would that make us whole as a family?

Honestly, while yes – I could tell you of some really bizarre and horrific incidents that have transpired through the years (relax, I’m not 😉 )… that’s just not what I think of. We’ve tipped the scales at both ends, and the other end is what we’ve used as a compass in our lives.

                                            Now if I can keep that in mind through dinner, we’ll be well on our way.

 I do realize that because rift has gotten to be so vast between us all – it’s going to take some real work to get things back together again. It just does not come naturally for us to just pick up the phone and say “Hey, what’s up?” So I think for a while, I’m going to have to pencil it into my “to do” list over the weekends. Just to make it a point to contact somebody in the family, aside from those of us here in our rather comfy cozy world over here…I’ll even make it a point to invite my one Aunt at least to our Football Sunday gatherings – I mentioned it on the phone that we do this, and she actually said she’d like to join us one day. She reached out, the least I can do is make it a point to reach back.

                                         Time will tell if this is the beginning of the mending, or just a nostalgic induced attempt.

                                                                          Either way, I guess it’s a start of sorts.

                                                      (at least I know she can cook – it’s going to be a great meal.)